We bring your our latest proprietary research on the alignment of consumer behaviour and retailer delivery. In this work, we identify the gaps between customer expectations and retailer strategy and give key recommendations for the next steps to implement in order to close these gaps.

How can retailers adapt to popular consumer trends?
35% of retailers spend more than half of their time on strategy development, an increase of 8% since our previous study. A smart retailer will determine their target customers in both demographic and personality segments. They will then create a strategic roadmap for the short term, a key plan to adapt to their changing consumer and tailored messaging that will attract consumers.

This whitepaper will show you can adapt successfully with the following topics:

  • The COVID-19 impact on Australian consumer behaviour
  • Retailer reactions and adaptions
  • The alignment of both retailer and consumer behaviour
  • The gaps between what consumers think and what retailers do
  • Key steps to close these gaps
  • Predicted consumer trends for 2021.

Download our whitepaper by filling in the form below and learn how to transform your business to stay one step ahead of your changing consumer.
Listen to our podcast on Your Future Consumer Apple or Android today.